“Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.” ~John F. Kennedy

Here at BikeTown we couldn’t agree more. We love riding our bikes and want to help as many people as we can love riding their bikes, too.

Friday, April 4, 2008

April Road Time Trial Results

Thanks to everyone who came out for the first road time trial of 2008. It was a beautiful evening to test your speed on the 10 mile course. Without further ado, here are the results:

1. Thomas Talley - 23.34
2. Bobby Griffith - 25.03
3. Richard McLemore - 25.27
4. Josh Brown - 25.29
5. Jason Frazee - 26.15
6. John Paul Barrundy - 26.16
7. Joel Thompson - 28.32
8. Paul Patterson - 29.01
9. Chuck Patton - 29.11
10. JR Brock - 30.17
11. Neal Anthony - 31.16
12. Allan Wilson - 31.43
13. Baylor Blessing - 33.16
14. Terry Essex - 35.46
15. Joel Whitman - 41.37

Good job, everyone! Can't wait to see how you do next month.

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